Connecticut Lotto commercial ("Lori")
Golden Boy ("Lorna") - directed by Aaron Latham at GK Arts Center
Twelfth Night ("Countess Olivia") - Bryant Park Shakespeare and The Drilling Company
Lost And... ("Nicole") - original series created by Stephanie Fagan and directed by Chelsea B Lockie
Blame - written and directed by Bita Elahian
Upfront spot for Screenvision Media - from the day's playback
Phantom - written and directed by Nick Lucarelli
Blacksheep ("August") - original play written by Julia Rae Maldonado and directed by Chelsea B. Lockie - Actors Studio Drama School Repertory Season
Women of Manhattan ("Judy") - directed by Michael Blatt with Esther Sophia Artner and Natalie Entenberg - Actors Studio Drama School Repertory Season
Stop Kiss ("Callie") - with Liv Hardin directed by Susan Aston