Herself (“Maureen”) - directed by Hamilton Clancy at A.R.T New York
The Dark Outside (“Penny”) - directed by Jack Serio at Theater for the New City
Golden Boy ("Lorna") - directed by Aaron Latham at GK Arts Center
A Midsummer Nights Dream ("Helena") - Bryant Park Shakespeare and The Drilling Company
Missing Pieces ("Tina") - an original play written by Frank Cossa, directed by Diane Cossa, with Anaam Shahjahan and Lucy Campbell - American Theatre of Actors
Twelfth Night ("Countess Olivia") - Bryant Park Shakespeare and The Drilling Company
Wink ("Claudia" - Season 2) - web-series written and directed by Jon Saks
Women of Manhattan ("Judy") - directed by Michael Blatt - Actors Studio Drama School Repertory Season
Blacksheep ("August") - original play written by Julia Rae Maldonado and directed by Chelsea B. Lockie - Actors Studio Drama School Repertory Season
Jesus Hopped the A Train ("Mary Jane Hanrahan") - by Stephen Adly Guirgis with Victor Almanzar
The Strip ("Juliet Barton") - recurring role - Channel 9 Australia